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Review criteria


A trained moderation team reviews each photo, video, illustration, and vector file to assess whether it is right for our collection. Our moderation team follows stringent but fair quality assurance guidelines when reviewing each file.
Rejection reasons are provided as a courtesy. As stated in your contributor agreement, we may reject or accept content at our discretion.
Files are evaluated on many criteria, including:

  • Legal standards
  • Technical qualities
  • Title and keyword accuracy
  • Commercial value
  • Aesthetic properties


Whether the file offers something unique or if it is too similar to other files you have submitted or content already online in our collection.
Files are reviewed in the order they are received. Wait time varies but you usually get a response within one week. While many files are accepted, even the most experienced stock contributors have some files rejected. Don’t take it personally and, where possible, use it as an opportunity to learn more about your content and assess what works best. If you receive a rejection, examine your file and decide whether it is worth fixing. Rejected files can be resubmitted with a modified filename after corrections are made. Review Reasons for content rejection, Similar content versus spam, and Quality and technical issues for additional information.